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paSUMMER LINK bitter The senses of taste and Taste senses of taste and smell work very closely together. If you can't smell your food, it is difficult to recog You may have noticed this when you've had d ood, it is difficult to recognize the T taste. You may not have a bad cold with a stuffed-up nose. Tasting is the work of your tongue. All over your Tongue are tiny taste sensors called taste buds. you look at your tongue in a mirror, you can see small groups of taste buds. They are what give your tongue its rough appearance. salty Each taste bud has a small opening in it. Tiny pieces of food and drink enter this opening. There taste sensors gather information about the taste and send messages to your brain. Your brain decides what the taste is. Taste buds located in different areas of your tongue recognize different tastes. There are only four tastes your tongue can recognize: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. All other flavors are a mixture of taste and smell. no taste sweet Directions: Answer these questions about the sense of taste. 1. It is difficult to taste your food if you can't 2. The tiny taste sensors on your tongue are called 3. The four tastes that your tongue can recognize are 4. All other flavors are a mixture of summer Link Reading Grade da
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