All reviews for The Gruffalo
I Loved it! My brother(age 4),my sister(age 7) and me(age 9) loved it.
16 November 2010
its a brilliant book
2 October 2010
I love this book
23 September 2010
this is the fabulous book i would recomend it to anyone i love all julia’s books and axel’s illustrarions
6 August 2010
i would reccomend this to myy little brothers and my little sister because it is an amazing book
30 July 2010
The Gruffalo is a very good book for littel pepole but it is a good whatever age you are.
15 July 2010
this was a verry good book
8 July 2010
I have Read Loads of Julia donaldson Book
. Gruffalo
.Gruffalo’s Child
.Squash and a squeeze( duno how to spell)
.room on the broom
.Monkey puzzle
.mctabby is that what it called ?
. Snail and the whale And MORE
i recomend any julia donaldon books to YOU
20 June 2010
Really Good For Beginners
29 May 2010
I lovedit when i was little!!!!
2 May 2010