All reviews for Holes

  1. rubbish

    so boring one of the worst books ever and it is the worst film you would ever watch

    23 May 2014

  2. loved it

    I am in year 6 and run a book club. I read this to the children in 1/2 and they loved it!!!!!

    6 May 2014

  3. liked it

    its about this boy called Stanley yelnats and his great grandfather was cursed the was bad luck! however its a book 2 read its very exciting

    12 April 2014

  4. liked it

    Definitely a good book, really enjoyed reading it!

    2 April 2014

  5. i love it

    18 March 2014

  6. Really good I would definitely recommend this book

    9 March 2014

  7. loved it

    best book in the world

    9 March 2014

  8. It was a very exciting read which I enjoyed.

    9 March 2014

  9. It’s. Good

    9 March 2014

  10. the cover doesn’t look really good

    9 March 2014