All reviews for A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning

  1. loved it

    i am 11 and i loved it but i think if u are under the age of 10 u may find it hard to read (but i dont.) i have read most of them but not all.

    9 July 2009

  2. loved it

    this book is a great book but a bit sad because there die and count olaf does many bad things to them that why it called bad beginning

    28 June 2009

  3. liked it

    i have read this book and it was ok but it was not one of my fav book’s.But is still a good book

    19 June 2009

  4. liked it

    I have read the whole series and they are very good. Sometimes it gets a bit boring because nothing apart from sad things happen in them.

    18 June 2009

  5. loved it

    It is a brilliant book and should be read by all!I loved it so much I’m lost for words! ,It has quite a few hard words but it explains in a funny way,giving examples and including personal life.this is the first book and will make you want to read the rest.This is only the start of intrest to the bauldalires as thier life unfolds to discover unbareable secrets that instead of make you run away ,makes you want to dive deeper into their lives of misfortune!

    2 June 2009

  6. loved it

    I’m a fan of Lemony Snicket’s books! They are really fun stories! You can really imagine the whole story in front of u! U actually kind of beleive that this story is real! I would recommend it to anyone at all! Everyonce should get to read this book!

    8 March 2009

  7. loved it

    This book was really good and it gets really tense at the end, this is because of one question – will Violet marry Count Olaf?

    17 January 2009

  8. loved it

    I loved this book because I like the way Lemony Snicket sneaks in parts of his life and when he explains things. I also like it when Sunny says a small word and it means a really long sentance that would take ages to say, but if she says a long word, it means a short sentence.

    6 January 2009