Horrible Science: Vicious Veg

Vegetables. They’re green. They’re gross. They’re grotty. They make you feel queasy. But do you know all there is to discover about vile vegetables and other types of vicious vegetation? Read on for some foul facts that’ll really make you sick! You’ll find out:

  • which vegetables are really fruits in disguise (not that you’d be fooled)
  • how plants suck out the insides of dead insects
  • why stinging nettles feed off old skeletons
  • which fungi can make your toes drop off
  • how poisonous pond algae can kill you. (Fancy a dip?)

The whole vile truth about vicious, violent, villainous veg. It’s bloomin’ amazing – if you can stomach it!

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  • loved it

    This book taught me a lot about all the plants that can kill you, for example some types of fungi. Now I know that I should watch out if I’m going to be picking plants that I don’t know the species. I am going to give this book five stars.

    3 November 2013

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  • Photo of Nick Arnold

    Nick Arnold

    Nick Arnold has been writing for Scholastic for ten years, clocking up over 20 titles in the HORRIBLE SCIENCE series. Nick lives in Devon.


    Nick Arnold has won three Aventis Science Prizes for the Horrible Science series, for Blood, Bones and Body Bits, Ugly Bugs and Really Rotten Experiments, and won the 2013 Best Book with Facts at the Blue Peter Book Awards.

  • Photo of Tony De Saulles

    Tony De Saulles

    Tony De Saulles trained in graphic design, but since illustrating the Horrible Science series, has been concentrating on his illustrative style. Tony lives in Cheltenham.

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