All reviews for The Water Horse
This is a good book but it is not for me
6 September 2014
I personally think the movie was better
9 March 2014
mouse18, I am in the same predicament! I love the film and would love to read the book. Maybe you could see if your school or local library has a copy?
27 October 2013
I really like Dick King Smith he is one of my favourite authors this book is so entertaining and I can hang on it for ages without getting bored.
19 June 2013
I loved this book but i think the film could of been better as the film missed a lot out
9 March 2013
One of the best books I’ve ever read
6 March 2013
I wached it as a film and thought it was really good!Now I want to read the book.Though I don’t know if it will be the same.I want to find out but I don’t want to wast my money.What shall I do? :-(
11 November 2012
I loved the book but i think the movie ruined it a bit. The water horse reminds me of a dragon, is that was nessie is, then? * * * *
5 March 2012
this book is very magical and very cool
2 March 2012
I hsve seen the film,I was scared at the beginning a bit.Then when I got out of the cinema it was amazing!!!
3 March 2011