All reviews for The Dog: Fun Puppies
I want to read this book because I love doggs and puppies.
5 July 2010
A fantastic cute and fluffy little book full of surprises!
1 June 2009
This book is sooooooo awsome, everyone has got to read it! My bestfriend borrowed it, she said that she spent an hour looking into each of the dogs eyes! I have got all the the dog books, i still havn’t finished reading them!
27 May 2009
i loved this because i just love dogs you guys should read this book
29 April 2009
this is an awsome book i recomend it to any dog lovers.You would love it if you read it!and all the dogs look cute i got it last time so get.
23 April 2009
i love this it looks awsome !
15 April 2009
I love THE DOG Artlist Collection. They used to come out in magazines with little toy teddy plushes with collars and differerent metel tags. Some have bones, hound dogs, hearts and so much more. I have lot’s of their books, teddies, phone socks, tops, cups, mugs. I have loads of THE DOG Artlist Collection stuff. I even have a giant puppy toy of it. Anyway, back to the book, it’s good for car rides as it keeps children entertained…it did me and i’m 11!!! And it tells you wht breeds each dog is in small print at the side of each page!!! :)
22 March 2009
hey you do know you can’t really read this book it is only reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly cute pics of puppies
20 March 2009
all the puppies looked cute i loved the book.
7 March 2009
I love this book. I read it again and again. The puppies are soooo cute!!!!
7 February 2009