All reviews for War Horse
i think this book is fab all the people that think that they might get it get it’s fabb:D
5 June 2013
For me this book was a but too sad, I like a bit of humour but I still enjoyed it! This book is defiantly for older readers as there is a lot of upsetting scenes like horse deaths in battles and horrible deaths etc. this book is probably for 9-100 year olds!
This book is set in 1914, World War Two and is about a young farm horse called Joey who is sold to the army and is made to go into battle on the western front. As he is in the battle he witnesses all the terror on the frontline. But Joey’s courage inspires the soldiers around him…
This book is amazing!! If you don’t want to read the book why not see it on stage in London or see the film?!!! Xx
8 April 2013
really good although i did start to get bored every so often. it was rweally good though and i loved it loads
20 March 2013
A great book about a horse who helps in the war. Would rate 5/5.
8 March 2013
No words can ever describe this book it’s just too good!! I would recommend it to anyone, everyone!!! The best book of all time!!
7 March 2013
A sad book but its shows who ever you are you can be brave!
6 March 2013
I ausome,great ,fantastic,brillant, ausome book ,this book is so good not even all these words could describe this book at the end
5 March 2013
this book is about the war the horse in the book is loyal he goes on all different kind of places and in the end he returns to his owner
I would recommend this book to all kinds of people it is a 5 star book!!!
26 January 2013
great and exiting book, cant wait to read the rest of the collection!!!!
29 December 2012
I really REALLY want to read this book, it looks AWESOME X 100
5 September 2012