All reviews for Make Your Own Fashion Bracelets
its good
8 March 2014
I’ve got this kit, and it’s helped me to make tons of bracelets for all of my friends.
8 March 2013
Really Good!
8 March 2013
its a good book
7 March 2013
love making the bracelets making one now while i am writing
5 March 2013
i really want to have this i love jw!!!
10 August 2012
looks good fun but there are loads of fashion bracelets to make but 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 by mrs.Wilson…..
19 April 2010
i thik it was quite nice, i loved the charms too
2 March 2010
OHMY GOSH!My bff loved me for giving her one and forgave me so lets just say it saved my friendship
29 November 2009
This is a great way to show friendship. The instructions are sooooooooooooooooo easy to follow. you’ll really enjoy them. They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo great fun and it will pass away the time. So get making. I promise you will enjoy them. Love, mickeymouse123456715 xxxx
8 March 2009