All reviews for My Sister Jodie

  1. loved it

    this is a really amazing book. I would have cried at the end (if i was the crying type!)its the first book i read in year 6 at the start of the year.

    13 October 2011

  2. I loved this book i did’nt put it down at all

    20 September 2011

  3. loved it

    Best book EVER READ!! My favourite book!! Couldn’t put it down. Cried at the end but really hoped Jacky would make another 1 about May!

    14 September 2011

  4. loved it

    This book is magnificent i absolutely love jaqueline wilson i’ve read all her books…well nearlly but this is one of the best i really feel sad at the end its quite a surprise i recommend it to 9 and over :)

    27 July 2011


    BUT I’M TO YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!


    15 June 2011

  6. loved it

    It is a really good book about a girl who looks up to her older sister, but it isn’t always easy being influenced by a sister like Jodie….......

    11 June 2011

  7. loved it

    i loved it again would advise it too everone but you will be very very very scared at the end for sure and certain or else u will be shocked :(

    17 March 2011

  8. loved it

    This book is really good and has a interesting story line. It shows how teenagers feel and what goes through their minds as they start at new schools and learn to try and fit in with the crowd. It also shows how young people feel when they are in the period of moving houses.

    6 March 2011

  9. that book is amazing

    3 March 2011

  10. loved it

    i <3 this book its one of the best even though its tragic!!!!

    21 February 2011