Flip Top Electronic Organiser
Yes! The bestselling all-in-one organiser that lets you do it all! Listen to music, plan your day or relax with a game. There are 10 fantastic functions to keep you entertained wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, from games and a radio to a countdown clock. So if you’ve not yet got one, grab it quick!
Functions include: local and world time, alarm, countdown timer, phone book, currency converter, calculator, FM radio, 2 games, schedule reminder and earphones.
Recent reviews
i am buying this from school and for school
2 October 2009
i love the radio
12 January 2009
The electronic organiser is great. I live in Guernsey and can pick up radio from Frannce and England.The only downside is the games are rubbish.
16 September 2008
Absoloutely Outstanding
12 September 2008