All reviews for My Perfect Puppy

  1. loved it

    loved it I don’t have a dog but I read it about 15 times crossing fingers though

    16 March 2012

  2. loved it

    Awsome I dont even have a dog but i still love it

    10 March 2011

  3. I really enjoyed this book I don’t have a dog but I still found it one of the best books I have ever read it also came with a neacklace. this book has also prepared me for when I do get a dog.

    30 September 2010

  4. okay

    itz pretty kooly!

    17 August 2009

  5. I would like to read this book is it cool? please tell me write a comment telling me if this book is cool love from qwerty12345

    17 August 2009

  6. loved it

    The book was great it had all of the cutest puppys in it and it was full of suprizes including: choosing a puppy, quizes, stuff to fill in about you and your puppy and you get some stickers!

    15 January 2009

  7. loved it

    its not a story its a info book. it tell you about if your dogs sick and if ur dog has tick and lots more..its cool . =]

    12 January 2009