All reviews for Spy Master Briefcase

  1. i want this form santa .BECAUSE i never got one .SO PLEASE SANTA BRING ONE

    7 December 2008

  2. imo

    imo : i think it looks really cool

    30 November 2008

  3. loved it

    i have this and its really good you should get it

    17 November 2008

  4. loved it

    I love it

    15 November 2008

  5. Spiders There are 35,000 species in this order but scientists think there may be up to five times that number waiting to be discovered! What a thought! Most spiders spin silken webs They have eight legs, of course and their bodies are divided into two parts.

    15 November 2008

  6. loved it

    this pack is great because you can spy on your brother ha ha!

    6 November 2008

  7. I love this book because I can play jokes on people and play very very very funny pranks on people. I will give this fantastic book a five star rating.

    4 October 2008

  8. loved it

    This brief case is really cool I always use it. Espically when people nick my choclate cake

    25 September 2008

  9. loved it

    Awesome :)

    21 September 2008

  10. loved it


    20 September 2008