All reviews for Magic Kitten (Old Editions): Double Trouble

  1. I thought this was a good book i read as our novel in school a few years ago so if can still remember it from then it must be good!

    7 March 2012

  2. loved it

    I love the front cover it is so cute and the book is so sweet to.

    1 March 2012

  3. This book had no plot, and really disappointed me when I read it. After the cute kitten on the cover, I expected it to be fun and girly but it was just boring.

    1 March 2012

  4. loved it

    loved it!

    1 March 2012

  5. Such a good book i luv the front cover its sooooooo adorable

    29 February 2012

  6. loved it

    read magic kitten books!!

    27 October 2008