All reviews for Clean Break
one thing to say and one thing to do my thing to do is so so so great and my thing to do is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
17 April 2009
clean break is so good. i certianly don’t think that Em’s dad is nice.If he was nice why would he go and leave them like that?i loved the book and urge anyone to read it
14 April 2009
I absolutely LOVED this book, and that is no surprise, as I am a HUGE Jacqueline Wilson fan! My mum and dad are not divorsed, but I can tell how it feels.
25 October 2008
I thought this book was ace! of corse all of jaquline wilson books are ace. i like jaculine wilson books because they deal with every day problems (exept from dust bin baby how many of you have been left ina dustbin!?!?!) They are family drams like parents spliting like this book clean break
by jamesbond52
28 September 2008
em`s parents have split up and she is extremely sad. when her dad leaves she hates her parents having to have split up. she now would like life to be a fairy tale she desperitly wants her dad to come back but will it ever end up happily ever after?? it tells you about it being hard for her and her littler brother and sister. great story another brill book by jacqueline wilson.
2 March 2008