All reviews for Fairy Secrets

  1. okay

    I was okay, but not really a book for me.

    7 March 2013

  2. I would give this book 5/5!

    4 March 2013

  3. This is a very interesting book, and I loved it when I was younger. It is all about fairies as are most of the books and they really make you believe in fairies!

    6 March 2012

  4. loved it

    Gwyneth Rees is really good and this book is just FAB! Loved all her books and Gwyneth just has the writind talent!

    26 March 2009

  5. loved it

    This book was really nice. (:

    23 January 2009

  6. loved it

    This book is a very mysterious and a brill story line. The main characters to me are Ellie who is staying with here Aunt for a holiday when she meets two fairys.They have a portal to the human world in the toy musem were all the toys stay the fairies friends, but it closing down so Ellie must save it. This book is definatly something to read I loved it and could read it over and over again.


    19 December 2008

  7. loved it

    I think this is a really nice book to read and I love to read fairy tales!

    21 September 2008

  8. liked it

    Yeah this was good

    28 April 2008