Kid Swap
Jiggy is horror-struck when his evil parents sign him up for a TV reality show: Kid Swap. He is going to move in with another family – and everything he does is going to be filmed! Sadly, most of what Jiggy finds himself doing on camera is not the kind of thing you’d want to share with millions of total strangers. Not least his bizarre skin problem! Read on to see how Jiggy copes with fame… and flick the pages to see some surreal swapping!
Recent reviews
Really funny book in which jiggy finds himself in a reality TV show
8 March 2014
I am currently reading this book, i have had it for 2 days and im already on page 173.
This book is humorous/comedy, domestic fantasy. Taking a REAL ‘tv’ program and mixing it with a extraordinary boy-Jiggy McCue (Whoses name often gets’ mixed up for Jimmy.
Jiggy is horrified and shocked when his so-called parents tell him what happening! Its even WORSE when he finds out who he is swapping with! The Nexts’ son, Toby (I think).
Some kids would love to have the experiance-But not Jiggy! The pushy cameramen NEVER eave him alone-Not even when he’s ‘ill’!
Whats worse is that his two best friends LIKE the boy who is replacing him! And EVEN consider making him one of the ‘Three Muskateres’! (The three friend’s group name)
Join Jiggy as he EATS a rabbit he LOVES, meets an elf and much more!
I would throurohly reccomend this book!
8 February 2012
jiggy’s disastrous life takes a turn for the even worse when his evil parents signhim up for a tv reality show!
23 September 2008
I really liked kid swap because it was very funny. Some bits made me laugh out loud.
6 September 2008