All reviews for Magic Ballerina: Delphie and the Magic Ballet Shoes
Could you please let me know how to get the book and read on online
1 September 2015
I loved it because she went into a world of dance and dancing is my best thing.
12 April 2013
i was good.
8 March 2013
I read these books when I was littler… I had the whole set and loved them. They took me ages to read then but now they would probably only take me one hour if that! I would recomend them to ages 8+!
30 January 2013
this is a fun and magical book. The main characterd loves ballet and will dance any were ,she joins a school in a most unusel way and gets some magic ballet shoes read NOW to discover her adventure.
27 April 2012
I have it at home and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 July 2011
This book is very nice because Delphie has the ballet shoes and they take her to Enchantia. Sugar and Delphie rescue the Nutcracker from King Rat! Delphie dances with the Nutcracker and he comes alive. Delphie,Sugar and the Nutcracker fight their way out of King Rat’s reaches and the whole of Enchantia can dance again!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 February 2011
do you knowI i really met Darcy Bussel and she singnd my book
7 April 2010
It is really good when delphie gets ballet lessons for free
15 August 2009