Tracy Beaker Trio

Ten-year-old Tracy has had a tough time. She lives in a Children’s Home and has never seen her mum or dad. What Tracy really longs for is a real home and a family of her own. Meanwhile she spends her time writing her life story and doing incredible dares – in between fighting with the other kids! But when Cam, a real writer, visits the Home and takes a shine to Tracy, could Tracy’s dream of a proper place to live finally be coming true? Read all of Tracy’s feisty, sassy, funny and heartbreaking adventures in a trio of tearaway tales to make you laugh and cry.

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  • Great book to read

    8 March 2014

  • loved it

    Best book. Best books have best authors nd yes its author is the best, JACQUELINE WILSON.She is my favorite author.

    4 December 2013

  • this is very good

    3 March 2011

  • loved it

    I so love Tracy shes so cool and gets up to some great adventures in the dumping ground. A huge 5 stars.

    3 March 2011

  • loved it

    love da book rem to read it! :)

    12 November 2010

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