All reviews for My True Story: What If They Find Us?

  1. A sad book

    8 March 2014

  2. loved it

    This book is an excellent true story told by a great author

    6 March 2014

  3. A brilliantly written, very touching book that makes you think afterwards about the story.

    5 March 2014

  4. its really sad due to the context being the war and holocaust but it is a well told and moving story

    7 March 2013

  5. nice coveer

    6 March 2013

  6. This looks quite good

    4 March 2013

  7. liked it

    i have only read 11-18 pages and i already am moved and know so much about the kids and fell so sorry for dad

    18 January 2013

  8. I thought about this book for a long time after reading it. It is amazing and so emotional.

    4 March 2012

  9. Amazing moving story, thought about it afterwards for ages. Very interesting war story

    17 March 2011

  10. i love all these kinds of books there really good !!

    19 April 2010