All reviews for Astrosaurs: The Hatching Horror

  1. liked it

    Astrosaurs are dinosaurs that gained intelligence on earth and escaped before they would die out. Captain teggs stegosaur of the sauropod along with arx orano, gipsy saurine and iggy tooth protect their quadrant from the evil carnivores. In this adventure the crew of the sauropod are carrying some very precious eggs to the eggs’ home but some egg eating dinosaurs are on their tail. As an age rating for these books I would say 7-10 year olds

    8 March 2013

  2. I think its a fantastic book. It’s a very funny book. Iv’e got the hole coletion of astrosaur books up to book 18and all the astrosaur academy books! Steve coleis a very good auther. I want to be auther when i grow up.

    9 October 2010