All reviews for My Sister the Vampire Pack
A heaven for vampire lovers. Cool
8 March 2014
My sister the vampire is an interesting book and is fun for children
14 July 2013
I have read this hole pack! I am still searching for the rest online. The only books I have the re-vamped and vampilicious and the rest read online. These books totally are awesome!
11 July 2013
Starlight018 I’ve readIt on epub pud and desparate to sink into the sixth book love ites pleeeaeaeeeeeese tell me where to read it online
20 June 2013
I’ve read the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of of this series is but I’m searching for the fifth and sixth book. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU FIND A PLACE TO READ THEM ON LINEPLEASE ANYBODY!!!!!! (BY THE WAY THESE BOOKS ARE TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I SOOO LOVVVEE THEM) XOXOX Bella
2 April 2013
i read it
4 March 2013
Hey people !! i totally LOVED IT !!!! I have been searching madly for the fifth one called take two !! does anyone know wear i can read it online?
24 March 2012
These are the best books i have ever read before!My fave character is tots Ivy Vega!If u like this series try the immortals series by alyson noel!
5 March 2012
these are the best books EVER u have to read it birlliant all girls have to read love any books to do with vamps
3 March 2012
its good
1 March 2012