All reviews for Ingo

  1. the best book in the series

    9 March 2014

  2. Beautiful, believeable. I have never looked at the sea the same way again!

    5 March 2014

  3. loved it

    I absolutely loved this book, because it is all about the sea and animals like dolphins and whales(whales are in the 2nd and 3rd book)

    16 December 2012

  4. loved it


    1 July 2012

  5. loved it

    i think this book is amazing if you have read the my story collection then youll love this book by hellen dunmore at the momment im reading lots of books one of them stormswept by hellen dunmore theres other books by hellen such as The tide knot ,The deep and if you like this auther then read books such as glubbslyme by jacqueline wilson

    8 June 2012

  6. liked it

    This book was very good and I have read all of the other Ingo books which I could not put down! The author has done well to start a whole new series with the same type of story but with different characters, but I think it is a bit too similar and maybe the author should’ve made it a bit differently.

    4 May 2012