All reviews for Guinea Pigs Online

  1. These books are funny and great if you like guinea pigs

    9 March 2014

  2. it think its great sorry if i am wrong

    4 May 2012

  3. This is different to all my other books and definitely makes me want to read on! It has brilliant characters – Coco is funny because she is so posh and says she lives with the Queen!

    Sophia, age 7

    I liked this book when at the end Eduardo and Coco fall in love and scooter away. I love guinea pigs and I have 4 of my own so really enjoyed this story. This book had lots of funny bits in it. Banoffee had lots of babies. I liked it when Terry helped Coco on the internet find out where Meat Cleaver is. I would love it if my guinea pigs did all this when I was at school. My favourite guinea pig character was Coco as she was a princess. My favourite person was Henrietta because she was Coco’s owner. Fuzzy likes the internet and Coco does not I wonder why? This book was great and would be fab for boys or girls 5 and older. Guinea pigs online was so good I did not want to put it down until I had finished it.

    Stephanie, age 6

    17 April 2012