All reviews for Pegasus Pack x 4
Have read them twice each. I am in the middle of the last book…Again! Love them! Would recommend the series to anyone, you don’t need to know all about Greek and roman mythology to enjoy these books.
2 July 2014
I am dying to read these books.
8 March 2014
best books ever!!!!! wish I could be just like Emily. I highly recommend these books start to finish, for any girl with a dream hope there’s a new one soon. Pegasus fly on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
5 September 2013
This is a great series and if your gripping for more after then I recomend her other books= shadow of the dragon part 1 and 2 and also herms secret.
8 March 2013
i didn’t realise and accidently read the last book first. kind of mucked up the story but good!
7 March 2013
i didn’t read it yet. but the blurb and the cover are good
6 March 2013
I have read the first book in the series and it is amazing. I am desperate to read the others.
6 March 2013