A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window
Devastated by the death of Uncle Monty, the Baudelaire siblings set forth to begin a new life with their latest guardian, Aunt Josephine, in a house on the edge of a gloomy old lake. But as always, Count Olaf is just one step behind them, disguised as charming old sea-dog Captain Sham, who quickly wraps Aunt Josephine around his little finger. When Aunt Josephine apparently commits suicide under unexplained circumstances, it turns out that she has named Captain Sham as the children’s legal guardian. As a hurricane bears down upon Lachrymose Lake, how will they escape Olaf and his hideous henchmen yet again?
Recent reviews
i loved it. i loved how those 3 never fail to get themselves out of any trouble that they are in with count Olaf.
5 March 2013
It’s a little strange how even though these books each have their unfortunate event they are really enjoyable, each page spent in anticipation of Violets inventions, Klaus’ knowledge and sunny’s Bites. this is the third in the series and although Aunt Josephine is no uncle Monty, you really can see that the orphans could’ve been happy with her, even though her house is a death trap.
5 March 2013
i want to read it!!!!!
15 October 2012
Phenomenal, emotional and great plot. A book which should be loved by all, young or old!
6 March 2012
very good
3 March 2012