The world’s most-wanted mutt! (Nope, you won’t find him at Battersea.) That is: he’s part mutt. Q: what’s the other part? Chipper’s no ordinary runaway dog. He’s escaped from the Institute: a top-secret, multi-million-dollar spy tech facility. Now he’s on the run – and in the nick of time. The Institute want to terminate him, at any cost. But why do they care so much about an escaped dog…? Across the state, Jeff Conway is working all hours at his aunt Flo’s lakeside cabin business. He misses his parents, his old life, and the dog he had to leave behind. And then Chipper shows up. Part dog, part machine… and all pet, maybe? That is, if Jeff and Chipper can escape the Institute’s most ruthless agent…
- A breathless edge-of-your-seat thriller by a master storyteller
- Linwood Barclay is the bestselling author of No Safe House
- He wrote Richard & Judy Summer Read winner No Time for Goodbye
- Full of danger and suspense, Chase is his first book for children