DK Findout! Science
What do YOU love? The DK Findout series is the place to get the expert lowdown on your favourite topics. It’s packed with fun facts, quizzes, exciting colour photos and curriculum knowledge that’s really handy for school. This book doesn’t look like your average fact book. The punchy graphic layout makes it a whole lot better-looking. But then, nothing about it is average. It’s all about giving you more! Fact boxes, quotes, diagrams, Q&As, cool visuals: it’s kind of like surfing the web, but without any dud pages. Amazing to look at. Bursting with interest. Perfect for building your knowledge.
- Exciting facts beautifully presented for curious children
- The perfect way to extend topic knowledge beyond the basics
- Eye-catching graphics and diagrams, ideal for visual learners
- Quizzes and Q&As turn reading into an interactive adventure