A heartwarming, tear-jerking tale of life with Marley, the world’s worst dog! Meet Marley, a yellow furball of a puppy who quickly grows into a large, rowdy Labrador dog. Marley is always getting into trouble, whether he’s stealing underwear, crashing through doors or drooling on guests! Everyone says he’s the worst dog in the world! But those who know and love Marley – his family, the Grogans – know that he is pure and full of love. However naughty he can be, he has the biggest, truest heart in the world! Truly, Marley is a dog like no other… This unforgettable dog story oozes life, warmth and joy.
Recent reviews
I Loved it! Really good book good for 9+ it’s really emotional at the end, But I LOVED IT! P.S. I love dog’s.
20 August 2019
such a heartwarming sweet and quite emotional story. How sad, i actually started crying at the end, i mean me eyes were sweating. I love a good dog story or anything with dogs in so i loved this book so much. xxx
20 June 2013
tear leaving story watch da movie a million tyms still cnt get enough of it[da dog is sooo cute]’‘crying’‘
29 April 2013
I LOVED (keep on saying LOVED for 3 days) this book it’s really funny and you can imagine Marley being such a cute and naughty dog, but then it’s so sad as well. If you are looking for a book that you’ll get stuck into you’ve definitely come to the right place but if you are one of those people who doesn’t like sad ending this is defiantly not for you.
24 September 2011
i totally loved this book!!!
By the way this isn’t fiction it is NON-fiction!!!!!!!!!!!
3 June 2009