Read It Yourself: Rapunzel
Locked away in a tall tower by a wicked witch, Rapunzel has nothing in the world apart from her long golden hair. How will she escape from her terrible prison? A favourite fairytale is retold for new readers in this charming Read It Yourself book, which combines a richer, wider vocabulary with clear and beautiful pictures to support learners and capture their attention. Perfect for building stamina and self-reliance, the book includes puzzle questions for checking comprehension, and belongs to Level 3 of the scheme, for children who are developing their confidence and can read simple stories with help.
Recent reviews
i loved it because the characters were great.
26 June 2015
5 March 2014
This is another classic fairy tale from our childhood, the tale of a girl with beautiful long hair, saved by her prince from her tower at last.
6 March 2013