The Lost Island of Tamarind
Three children, alone on the ocean waves. After a fierce sea-storm throws their parents from the Pamela Jane into the icy waters below, Maya, Simon and Penny face a rescue mission that will lead them to a truly magical place. Imagine an island where green mountains loom over pink sandy beaches and tide pools lit by the moon. An island with the darkest of secrets, where pirates lurk and jaguars roam … and a precious stone holds a power that is both wondrous and terrifying. This is where the children must go. No one from the Outside has ever escaped before. Danger is everywhere. But they cannot turn back now. Could you?
Recent reviews
This book is truly enthralling and it is one of my all time favourites. I am reading it at the moment and leap upon every page, hungry for more of story. I must say that the descriptions are sensational and that is what I love most about this book.
6 March 2014
it is one of the best book i have read it took me a while to read but i did it and rely enjoyed it! i was so happy when i found out there was a sequel!
18 July 2013
Truly amazing. Has great Diction and Tone. Cant wait to read “Secrets of Tamarind”! Overall an Amazing Book!!! :D
1 June 2011
i really like it it is my type of book since it is magical and mysterious
28 June 2009