The Secrets of Your Birthday
Social butterfly? Born leader? Lucky in love? Totally unique? Find out what your birthday says about you in this fab and funky guide! Your birthday is the most important day of the year – and not just because it’s a great excuse for a party! The day you were born holds the key to your true personality. Friend match: what kind of person will become your best friend for life? Love match: you’ve got your eye on a special someone, but are they right for you? Style inspiration: who’s your fashion icon? Theme song: what’s the soundtrack to your life? Check out your birthday, and then look up all your friends and family too. That’s right – just one super-special day of the year holds all the secrets about YOU!
Recent reviews
i really want to read this. i want to know about me
15 September 2013
I want to read this it sounds really good, i like books like this
9 March 2013
I got lent this book by someone when they went onabout this book and vouldnt help but read what my birthday meant and then I did all my family and friends just for the fun of it
8 March 2013