Time for Colouring Pack x 3
Say hello to colouring! The perfect holiday entertainment: laid-back fun that you can take pretty much anywhere. It’s relaxing, entertaining and creative. Best of all, you can make it as simple or hard as you like. Great for: chilling out at home. Keeping busy on rainy days. Staging cool challenges: who can do the best picture? Making DIY posters to give your room a fresh look. No wonder colouring books have shaken off their ‘little kid’ image – even grown-ups are going mad for them now. So here’s a little warning: your parents might love this pack even more than you do. Guard it well!
- Hours of holiday fun in a fabulous colouring pack
- Great way to keep busy and try different art materials
- Beautiful pictures of lovely things to get you inspired
- The Clever Kids’ Colouring Book even has fun puzzles!