Zelah Green, Queen of Clean
Zelah Green is a Cleanaholic. She spends her whole life on Germ Alert. Worrying about dirt, freaking out about touching things. And as if life wasn’t messy enough already, now her dad’s vanished, and her stepmum’s packed her off to a nuthouse, away from school and her best friend. Now Zelah’s stuck with the Doc and Alice, Lib, Caro and Sol, who doesn’t speak. Sol, who has brown eyes and olive skin. Sol, the one person Zelah actually wants to touch. If Zelah can switch from Germ Alert to Flirt Alert, maybe, just maybe, something good could happen…
A moving story of a teenage girl trying to cope with OCD, a missing parent and a first crush, told with humour and insight.
Recent reviews
I do not like this book because it kept on putting me to sleep
9 March 2014
I love this cover! I love how you can only see some of the girl (supposedly Zelah) and the way the yellow stands out against the grey makes the cover look quite elegant, whilst still being an enjoyable read.
I was gripped from page one (I actually was, I am NOT exaggerating!), Vanessa Curtis is such a fantastic writer.
This novel is actually very inspiring and it’s one of those novels that makes you think. The main character, Zelah, has OCD which stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where you want everything neat and tidy and you hate germs and dirt. Everything has to be perfect. It really made me think about how hard it must be, if you have it, and how hard it must be for the people living with you. This novel will make readers more aware of the disorder, which is good.
My favourite character was Zelah (yeah I know, she’s the main character, I shouldn’t pick her…but she is genuinely my favourite character!) because she seemed really confident and she wasn’t annoying; sometimes I felt sorry for her. It was very hard to decide whether my favourite character was Zelah or Fran…Fran (Zelah’s ex-best friend) is very funny, but also quite a snob and I didn’t really like the way she treated Zelah. She was funny though, so she’s my second-favourite character.
Overall I found NO faults with this novel. I recommend this book to readers aged 11+ and I give this a rating of 5/5! I loved it and I’m so glad I got a chance to read this wonderful book.
4 March 2013
i would deffenatly reccomend this book, it rely helps you understand OCD and other conditions. it is a great book i read it in about 2 days i couldnt put it down. it is just so realistic because you no it could be happening out there somewere in the world. i just love this boook 5 out of 5 read it please its great.
4 March 2012