All reviews for Cookie
I loved this book and I also like the way Jacqueline writes just like it had happened to her I love this book!
23 February 2009
This book is about a girl who is called Beauty.Some people at school call her ugly, a girl called skye says she should be called ugly bugly. Beauty’s mum is called Dilly and her dad is called Gerry.She secretly watches a baby programme called rabbit hutch but her mum doen’t mind. Her dad yells alot! Meanwhile when she’s at school she used to have a best friend called Rhona but Skye took her away, so poor old Beauty wonders round the playground having nothin to do. Somtimes at lunch time she hides in the toilet and she has to listen to two girls calling each-other poo poo and loo loo! Later on Rona gives out her invites and she invites Beauty!! Skye says “Errr! we don’t want ugly at your birthday party!!!”
You should really read this book it’s sooo brilliant!!
19 January 2009
This book was absolutely AWESOME!!!
17 January 2009
This book is fantastic it is about a girl called Beauty who has a rude dad and her and hr mum dont like him so they run off to a sea side called rabbit cove which is great and then they meet a painter they live in his house and cook breakfast for him and his guests. They cook cookies and then they make Beauty’s nickname Cookie because every one at her old school calls her ugly.
10 January 2009
Cookie is an emotional lifelike story about a poor girl called Beauty. She has a wretched dad who treats Beauty and her mum like rubbish. Beauty has an awful school too. They all make fun of Beauty and call her Ugly, deriving from her name. Skye is her worst enemy. One day Skye’s best friend, Rhona, invites Beauty to her birthday party. Later, Beauty discovers that Rhona wants to be her best friend. At home Beauty’s mum wants to give her a different nickname. So together they came up with Cookie. Beauty’s mum decides the only way to get people to call her that is to bake cookies, but her dad says that Beauty’s mum couldn’t cook for toffee. [...spoiler!...]
7 January 2009
This book is great! It’s about this girl called Beauty Cookson who gets picked on at school because she happens to be a tiny bit ugly. Her dad gets really angry sometimes and eventually Beauty and her mum Dilly run away because Beauty’s dad Gerry killed her pet baby rabbit. They run away to a place called Rabbit Cove and live in a little guest cottage(Lilac Cottage) with this guy called Mike. Soon after that Beauty moves to Seahaven School and meets lots of new friends! She lives happily ever after and even ends up going on Watchbox! (a T.V. show like Blue Peter!)
19 December 2008
This has to be one of the best books Jackie has written SHE ROCKS There are thousands of Jacky fans out there who havent read this book they need to read its brilliant they definetley did the right thing
12 December 2008
i havent read this book but it looks awsume :) i look just like cookie littrely and the story line is just like my life what a counsidence lol anyway loks like a great book and i really want to read it helayna
9 December 2008
i totally loved it.If anyone says it was rubbish the person must be weird and here’s a shout out from me to Jacqueline Wilson”you for ever rock!!”the best author in the world is definately Jacqueline.
29 November 2008
It was a good idea for her andd her mum to run away from her dad because his dad was wrecking Beauty’s life apart
22 November 2008