All reviews for Street Child

  1. I really liked this book and I thought it had great description of Jim Jarvis. Reccommend this to everyone!

    14 May 2015

  2. okay

    Read it in classss….was okkkk

    7 May 2015

  3. i think this is a victoiraian story

    2 March 2015

  4. we are reading this book in year 5 because of our topic the VICTORIANS when my teacher was reading it she got a bit emotional and the ending was a bit weird

    15 January 2015

  5. street child is an amazing but sad book and I would recommend this book for 9 and above

    6 November 2014

  6. liked it

    My teacher read my class this book in year 5 as part of our Victorian topic. I liked it a lot but I thought the ending was a bit strange.

    10 March 2014

  7. Love this book I f feel sorry for him because his mum dies when hes young I dont know what I would do without my mum

    9 March 2014

  8. I love this book so much

    8 March 2014

  9. loved it

    A sad but true book

    8 March 2014

  10. I read this book at school and loved it, i bought it and couldnt stop flicking the pages. Snipe, the mean and sly dog, is exceptionally horrible. This book is very emotional, so tissues at the ready!

    8 March 2014