All reviews for The Gruffalo’s Child: Book and CD

  1. This is about the gruffalo who warns his child about the mouse.

    9 March 2014

  2. scary and funny

    24 June 2012

  3. liked it

    I am a little old for this book but very good for children in nursery and playgroup!

    6 May 2012

  4. good but not as good as the first

    4 March 2012

  5. Cute and amazing. I loved it when I was young

    2 March 2012

  6. loved it

    After reading the first gruffalo book to my son and him loving it i had to get this. The bonus of the cd at such a great price is great as i can show him the pictures while the cd plays.

    2 March 2012

  7. liked it

    Totally amazing.

    1 March 2012

  8. the gruffalo wa goo so when i heared there was a sequal i coud not wait to read it and i was not disspointed

    1 March 2012

  9. okay

    This book is good and it is funny when he goes into the woods and he thinks there is a shadow of the bad mouse but it is a little mouse.

    1 March 2012

  10. loved it

    i read this book to my brothers as they loved the first one so much.

    1 March 2012