The magical story of a teeny-weeny hero with a passion for spinning tall tales! Tiddler’s just a little fish, but he has a very BIG imagination! Every day, he’s late for school… and every day he tells his teacher another tall tale! But did Tiddler really ride a seahorse? Did he truly meet a mermaid? What tale will Tiddler tell next? A fabulously fishy tale which sweeps you deep beneath the ocean waves!
Fun Stuff
Recent reviews
This is about a fish called tiddler who makes excuses.
9 March 2014
I love it but i most love her book about mirror belle which i read again and again which makes me go with laughter because the part of which witch is really weird because of mirror belle?! LOL!!!
12 September 2008
I like it becouse it looks good.
18 June 2008